We’re interested in publishing unique and interesting stories about relevant digital marketing topics. If it’s well-written with a fact-based viewpoint that people who visit our website will find worthwhile to read, we’ll look at it. We publish stories that run from 400 to 1,200 words, although we may consider longer pieces (within reason).
To get published, complete the submission form, include your author bio information at the bottom, agree to our terms, and send it in. You can also include a link to your website. If we publish your story, we will offer a live backlink providing we’re linking to a legitimate, non-spammy website.
In your piece, if you are referencing research or statistics, please provide the source for the information so we can maintain the integrity of our news feed. The same principle applies to all assertions and attributions you make.
All submissions must be original, exclusive to Digital Koalas and, as a matter of security, embedded in the text of our form, not supplied as an attachment. We do not pay for submissions.
Sometimes, even though you have submitted a great piece, we cannot republish it. If you haven’t heard from us within three business days, you can feel free to offer it elsewhere.
Thanks for considering Digital Koalas as a publishing platform. 🐨